Kids missing News

Malaysia : Nearly 4000 Children In Malaysia Are Missing Since 2014!


On 24th March, a news was published on The Star Online, stating that a total of 3937 children in Malaysia are missing! These children aged from 6-18, counting from 2014 until this year Jan.
Deputy Home Minister, Datuk Masir Kujat said that police are prioritizing the cases of missing children, as it might be linked to human trafficking.
Based on police report, here are the statistic of missing children:
Number of children missing based on years:
Year 2014: 2015 cases
Year 2015: 1782 cases
Year 2016: 140 cases (January)
States with highest number of children missing:
1st Johor: 681 cases
2nd Selangor: 538 cases
3rd Kedah: 474 cases
Number of boys missing based on years:
2014: 474 cases
2015: 457 cases
2016: 46 cases (January)
Numbers of girls missing based on years:
2014: 1536 cases
2015: 1310 cases
2016: 94 cases (January)
Numbers of children missing based on races:
Malay: 2691 cases
Chinese: 241 cases
Indian: 409 cases
Others: 596 cases
Masir also stated, there could be other reasons that contribute to the cases, such as looking for freedom, lack of interest in studies, runaway with lovers and etc.
The society is getting more and more dangerous, as number of children missing is increasing rapidly! Parents shall look after their children properly, and make sure you know where they are going, to avoid such cases happen!
According to All Singapore Stuff Portal , Please be careful everyone. Kidnappers are now looking for CHILDREN under 15 years old. They are looking for CHILDREN’s ORGANS as they still works well. Be aware I f you see any Thailand car number plates or strange looking cars or foreign cars around your housing area.
Price of organs in Malaysia:

Heart RM800k
Kidney RM600k

                                                                        Eye RM10K
                                                                     Lung RM100K
                                                                      Liver RM200K


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